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Don't wait for the perfect vocalist. Create it yourself.

Don't wait for the perfect vocalist. Create it yourself.

Don't wait for the perfect vocalist. Create it yourself.

Easily drag & drop into your DAW

Integrate Kits.AI directly into your favorite DAW or music production software with drag-and-drop functionality. 

Rapid prototyping with multimodel mode

Experiment and audition multiple vocal models simultaneously.  Discover new sounds and refine your musical vision.

Experiment and audition multiple vocal models simultaneously.  Discover new sounds and refine your musical vision.

Time-saving innovation:

Dramatically reduce the time spent searching for, recording, and editing vocals. Spend more time making music and less time fighting technical hurdles.

Royalty-free voice library

Access a vast collection of ethically-sourced voices for hassle-free use. Eliminate licensing headaches and find the perfect vocal texture for your music without restrictions.

Log in on your desktop to download the app